Have a great idea, invention, new business or event you want to promote and highlight in the news but feel like you aren't being heard? Maybe you don't know how to get your thought out to the specific group you're trying to reach?!
Here are five quick tips that will help you pitch your idea to the media:
1. Determine the tone of your article or press release.
Do your research. If you are looking to have your article published in more than one publication, make sure that your content speaks to the reader. Yes, you are pitching to a writer or editor, but do your research and determine the tone of that specific publication you are wanting to be featured in. Are you writing a serious piece or something light-hearted?
2. Get your point across within the first paragraph.
The world of journalism and news is changing and evolving daily with the use of heavy multimedia. If you are submitting content to a writer, they are looking to literally copy and paste what you have shared with them. Make sure your writing is concise, to the point and press ready. Every writer wants to say that they published an awesome story. Don’t hinder getting your news published by submitting